I’m dedicating this week’s blog to the magnificent, Mr. Bruno Mars.

For those of you who live under a rock, Bruno Mars is one of the most beloved performers of this generation. Even Michelle Obama has a little dance to his song Uptown Funk: Uptown Funk – Bruno Mars

Why do I love Bruno so much? He’s not only a great musician and a charismatic performer; but he’s an approachable guy. What’s not to love about him? His smile? #lovemesomebruno

Leading up to the Grammy’s, CBS rebroadcasted a 60 Minutes interview with him. He talks about the inspiration for his music and shows incredible humility.

Bruno Mars:

A lot of people are really quick to say, “That song sounds like this.” Or “He’s tryin’ to sound like this.” And I’m always like, “You’re damn right I am. That’s how– that’s why we’re all here. You know, we all grew up idolizing another musician. That’s how this works. That’s how music is created.

I just really care about what people see. I want them to know that I’m working hard for this. The artists that I look up to like, you know, Michael, Prince, James Brown. You watch them and you understand that they’re paying attention to the details of their art. And they care so much about what they’re wearing, about how they’re moving, about how they’re making the audience feel. …that’s what I’ve watched my whole life and admired.”

And he is doing it. Watch his videos and you’ll see a little of the Four Tops, some James Brown and, of course, Michael Jackson. In his mind, imitation is a form of admiration. Yet, he creates music, which is new and fresh.

Solomon said in Ecclesiastes:

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Meaning, history repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.

If that’s true, then does any of it matter? And why are we trying so hard?

As I watched the Grammy’s, I contemplated this. The performances were fantastical, the costumes were outrageous and, of course, the music was incredible. I thought about the people who came before them, Elton John, Madonna, KISS and before them, Liberace. Heck, even Beethoven was a non-conformist (and a bit crazy.)

Then Adele took the stage with a single mic and sang her beautiful heart out. She flubbed up, stopped the music – apologized and started again. She was the human element of the night. The vulnerable one. The one who endeared herself to the world.

Back to the question: Is there anything new under the sun?

Yes. Yes, there is. It’s YOU.

We are products of our environment, yet we all yearn to place our stamp on the world.  We ask, What makes me special? What is something that I can call my own? Am I making those I look up to proud? Whether it’s a parent, a mentor, a boss, a coach or a leader we admire, we feel compelled at some point in our life to prove ourselves.

Consider this:

Adele took home 5 Grammys this year, including Album of the Year, Song of the Year and Record of the Year.

She doesn’t dance.

She doesn’t wear outrageous costumes.

She doesn’t have elaborate sets or massively produced videos.

She writes heartfelt songs and sings them.

She is honest.

She wins.

Bruno Mars stole the show that night with his tribute to Prince. From the purple sequined jacket, to the screeching guitar solo, to the hint of eyeliner – his performance embodied Prince. He was Prince. He didn’t feel the need to put his creative spin on his performance. He just honored Prince’s memory with everything he had.

He wins.

Let’s take a lesson from these artists who share their talent with us. They take from others and return it to us all packaged up in a new way. It’s new and it’s not. But it’s oh so good. Brene Brown says this: Creativity and innovation come when we are vulnerable. Vulnerability takes a tremendous amount of courage.  It’s the point in which we connect with others.  Her Ted Talk on this subject has nearly 6 million views.  Check it out.


What’s really new under the sun? You are. The world desperately wants that special thing that only you bring. Be honest.  Be authentic.  Please, don’t underestimate the power of just being you. It’s the only way to win.  I promise.