What Drives You?
I love driving. There’s nothing like putting the top down on my Mini Cooper and hitting the road. Behind the wheel, I feel like a boss lady! I’m in control, making my own decisions and it’s fun! Isn’t that what we all want? To be in the driver’s seat, heading into the horizon cranking our favorite tunes?
I get it. That seems like a dream. Maybe in your younger years, but now you are driving fast and it’s neither fun or in the your favorite direction. The more you do, the more is expected of you. Why? Because you’re the one because who gets $hit done. You simply don’t have time to slow down. That’s for dreamers.
A-hem. Sorry, not sorry. If you don’t have time to slow down, that’s exactly what I’m asking you to do. You need it MOST!
What would your life look like if you were crystal clear on your mission?
What if you actually wrote down your hopes and dreams in the form of an exciting vision?
How powerful would it be to have a functional and practical plan to get where you want to be?
What if that plan that included more balance and fun?
What would it look like to have a caring coach who walked with you on that journey?
All things are possible when you are clear and focused. Teddy Roosevelt said it this way, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there!” Let’s explore how you can take some of that amazing energy you have for others and using it for yourself.
Now is the time to focus on you.
The High Road © is an immersive high impact coaching experience that will take you on that journey.
I will help you answer the tough questions,
grow as a leaders for yourself & others,
and move toward a more intentionally purposeful life.
At the end of the day, it’s
YOUR life.
YOUR leadership journey.
YOUR mission.
As a leader, the first person you must lead is YOU! Let me show you the way
Most Recent Blog Post
The Rookie Mindset
Above: The Ultimate Rookie, Alexia - kindergarten, Bloom School, Louisville, Kentucky 1972. Thanks Dad for the cute outfit. It’s amazing I didn’t suffocate in that turtleneck and vest in the August heat. 🥵 We all [...]
Client Love
Alexia Zigoris has been my Life Coach for six months now. During this short time she has helped me identify the emotions attached to events that are currently affecting my life. She has helped me to put those events into perspective – a practice that helps me let go of the negative energy and transform it into positive energy to help move my life forward. She has helped me set reasonable, attainable goals – and I’m seeing positive results. I would recommend Alexia as a coach to everyone seeking to improve their emotional well- being, to bring positive energy into their lives and to set goals and reach them!
Alexia was key to turning around our organization in a trying time of change. Not only was she instrumental in helping us act as a team, she really helped us reorganize our staff into positions that utilized our individual talents more adequately. Alexia helped us determine what our mission was as radio station and how to achieve it as a unit instead of us all pulling in different directions. This sort of change can be stressful but she made it fun, was willing to listen to every opinion, and helped our group of more than 20 employees all know each other on a more personal level and work together for the first time.
Alexia is a professional of the highest caliber. Her dogged pursuit of customer satisfaction is something she is passionate about. Alexia is a frank and honest business woman. She makes the business of business a pleasure with her attention to building relationships that will last for years into the future. I feel fortunate to have worked with her bot directly. If in the future I should be afforded the opportunity to work with her, I would consider it to be an excellent opportunity and privilege.
Alexia has a passion for helping others lead fuller lives. With her host of tools she helps people uncover truths in their lives. Personally she helped me articulate my life purpose and vision. It was a fun process and now I have a one-sentence description that I refer back to when deciding how to lead a more full life. I would highly recommend Alexia as a coach.
The High Road

The High Road is an immersive coaching experience that begins with a full-day retreat. It’s the kick start that points you in the right direction. You’ll enjoy the experience of writing a personal mission statement, crafting your vision, putting your personal strategic plan in place and it’s Fun!
Individual or Group Sessions available
Work with Alexia

Interested in leadership coaching for your team or hosting a retreat? Consider 2-hour monthly retreats combined with coaching. It’s high impact coaching with team building combined. Outcomes include: values based leadership coaching, creating stronger, more understanding teams and more. Reach out with your needs!
Going Places

I began writing when I was 16. I scribbled endless questions about my crazy world in a spiral bound notebook. The main question was, “Why?” Turns out, no amount of writing could ever answered that questions. “Why” changed meanings along the way into What is my Why? What is your Why? This has become my life’s work. Sometimes articulate, sometimes rambling, but always authentic, I’ll share leadership tips, lessons I’ve learned along the way and a random thought or two.